Post-CAVR Technical Secretariat: profile
1. Background
The Post-CAVR Technical Secretariat (Secretariado Tecnico Pos-CAVR/STP-CAVR) was inaugurated by President Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao in consultation with the Government on 20 December 2005 to succeed the Comissao de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliacao (CAVR) which was dissolved the same day.
The establishment of the Secretariat followed extensive consultation between the President, the Government of Timor-Leste and CAVR Commissioners particularly in relation to the status and function of the new organization. It was decided that the Secretariat should be purely technical in orientation and should report to the Office of the President. The STP-CAVR is therefore neither an extension of CAVR nor the long-term institution recommended in the CAVR Report and has no mandate to undertake further reconciliation initiatives. A body of the latter kind could only be established by an Act of Parliament.
2. Role
The STP-CAVR has the following responsibilities:
- To complete a number of CAVR's technical tasks including finalising CAVR's accounts for a final Government audit, formatting of the CAVR report Chega!, publication of Chega! in book form, and publication of remaining Public Hearing books and a popular version of Chega!
- To disseminate Chega! and related products, particularly throughout the Timor-Leste community down to sub-district level;
- To manage and maintain the ex-Balide Comarca heritage complex;
- To manage the security and organisation of the CAVR archives.
3. Structure and staffing
- Executive Director: Rev Agustinho de Vasconselos (former CAVR National Commissioner who was sworn in by President Xanana Gusmao on 20.12.05).
- Senior Adviser: Pat Walsh
- Socialisation Team (National Coordinator Jaimito da Costa).
- Documentation Centre comprising Archives, Library, and Bookshop (Manager Jose Caetano)
- Administration (Coordinator Guilherme Caeiro) comprising procurement, human resources, communications, cleaning, security, maintenance.
- Finance (Coordinator Ligia da Costa) comprising, fund-raising, donor acquittals, audits.
4. Duration and timetable
The Secretariat was originally mandated for one year but has had its term extended by President Xanana Gusmao until an official decision has been made by the appropriate authorities about the estabishment of a follow-up institution and other issues. More time is required because of the size and number of tasks to be completed and significant disruption due to the 2006 crisis in Dili.
5. Funding
Funding and in-kind support has been provided by the following donors:
- Japan: $79,663 (exclusively for dissemination only, signed on 29 March 2006).
- Norway: $140,000
- GTZ: Euro134,000
- UNDP: senior adviser
- Australian Volunteers International (AVI): Dissemination/Outreach adviser.
The Secretariat is also working with UCLA to copy part of the CAVR Archives to the British Library as part of its endangered archives program.