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Welcome to the website of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (CAVR). Following the dissolution of CAVR in December 2005, the website is now maintained by the Post-CAVR Technical Secretariat

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Who made it?
Dalan ba Dame (Road to Peace) was commissioned by the CAVR (Comissao de Acolhimento de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliacao) and was made by film maker Ian White in 2005.

Where can I get it?
The sole distributor of Dalan ba Dame is the Post-CAVR Technical Secretariat (STP-CAVR). The Secretariat has been mandated by the President of the Republic to distribute the Chega report and other material produced by CAVR. The distribution is part of the Secretariat's mission to promote human rights, non-violence, accountability and the rule of law in Timor-Leste.

Who can have a copy?
The film is only available for distribution in Timor-Leste to institutions or organizations involved in formal or non-formal educational work. It is not available for distribution to individuals or overseas.

Are there conditions of use?
Organisations must sign for the vidco and agree not to distribute, copy or sell it. They must also agree to make active use of it and not be content just to add it to their resource collection.

How can one make the best use of Dalan ba Dame?
It is fine for audiences to view Dalan ba Dame out of general interest or as a history of the past only. However, because of Timor 's recurring problems, the Secretariat would also like to see the video used creatively to promote a deeper understanding and commitment to human rights, non-violence, accountability and the rule of law. To help presenters make the best use of the video, Guidelines for Users have been prepared and are available from the Secretariat.

Dalan ba Dame : guidelines for users

The Post-CAVR Secretariat is distributing the CAVR film Dalan ba Dame to institutions and organizations in Timor-Leste interested in using it in their work to promote human rights, non-violence, accountability and the rule of law.

Special consideration should be given to how the video can be used to promote this culture amongst urban youth, including martial arts organisations.

The following guidelines have been prepared to help users make the best use of the video for this work .

Dalan ba Dame and contemporary Timor-Leste
The film was completed in 2005 and deals principally with the period 1974-1999 which CAVR was mandated to address. But although it contains nothing about current problems, it does throw some light on aspects of the crisis and contains lessons that will help in the future. What President Ramos-Horta said about Chega! is also true for Dalan ba Dame: "It (should become) a learning process for all of us, so that we don't repeat the same errors that in part contributed to this (current) tragedy".

The film deals with four periods in Timor's history:

  • The Portuguese period
  • The period 1974-1975 including the internal political conflict
  • The Indonesian invasion and occupation
  • Self-determination in 1999.

These periods saw a repetition of certain problems, variations of which continue to appear in contemporary Timor-Leste. They include:

  • Repeated experiences of violence in the context of political conflict;
  • Violations of human rights;
  • Absence of accountability;
  • Political division and conflict;
  • Political use of the security forces;
  • The prevalence of firearms and other weapons;
  • Displacement of communities;
  • Humanitarian crises.

The difference now is that Timor-Leste is independent and no longer subject to rule or violence by outsider forces. For the first time in its history, Timor-Leste now has the opportunity to chose its own way forward.

Making good use of Dalan ba Dame
It is recommended that users adopt the following three steps:

  • Explain to your audience why you are screening the video, viz to help Timor now and in the future by learning from the past.
  • Hand out a 1 page sheet of 5 or 6 questions and explain that these will be answered and discussed after the screening or at a separate session;
  • Workshop the questions with the audience, draw up conclusions and discuss ways of implementing their conclusions.

Share your success
Let us know if you have been able to use the film effectively. We'd love to learn from your experience and share it with others.

Untuk informasi lagi: Jaimito C da Costa, Post-CAVR Technical Secretariat, 723 4916

Sample questions for a hand out

  1. Are there any similarities between the past and current problems in Timor-Leste? What are the similarities, what are the differences?
  2. Name three violations of human rights that were recounted in the video and explain what impact these violations had?
  3. What do you think should be done to ensure that these violations do not recur in Timor-Leste?
  4. What can you do to ensure they are not repeated?
  5. What were the policies of apartidarismo and dwi-fungsi? How and why have they changed in Timor-Leste?
  6. What does accountability mean and do you think it can help end violence and impunity?
  7. Do you think weapons and firearms should be banned in Timor-Leste?
  8. Do you agree with Timor-Leste's new official logo which shows a gun and bow and arrows?
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Copyright © Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (CAVR)