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Indonesia fila: sunu rai

Violensia makas tan bainhira votasaun hotu. Ema barak liu n'ebe mate tanba oho iha 1999 ema oho sira bainhira votasaun hotu tiha ona. Ema barak liu sorin-balu ida maka halai tiha husi sira nia uma. Mais au menus 250,000 mak ba'a Timor Oeste. 70% husi infraestrutura, uma no edifisius destruidus tiha.

Iha 12 Setembru, Presidenti Habibie konkorda atu husik forsa internasional tama iha Timor-Leste. Naran Interfet, forsa ida ne'e lider maka Major-General Australiano Peter Cosgrove.


A retirada da Indonésia

A violência aumentou depois da votação. A maior parte das mortes de 1999 ocorreu a seguir à votação. Mais de metade da população deixou as suas casas. Mais ou menos 250 000 refugiaram-se no Timor Ocidental. 70% das infra-estruturas, casas e edifícios foram destruídos.

No dia 12 de Setembro, o Presidente Habibie concordou com a entrada de uma força internacional em Timor-Leste. Denominada INTERFET, essa força era chefiada pelo Major-General australiano, Peter Cosgrove.


Indonesia pergi

Kekerasan memuncak setelah hari pemilihan. Kebanyakan warga yang tewas pada 1999 terbunuh setelah referendum. Lebih dari setengah populasi Timor mengungsi dari rumah mereka. Sekitar 250.000 warga menyeberang ke Timor Barat. Sebanyak 70% dari infrastruktur, rumah dan bangunan hancur.

Pada 12 September, Presiden Habibie mengizinkan pasukan perdamaian internasional masuk ke Timor-Leste. Pasukan ini disebut Interfet, dan dikomandani oleh Mayor Jenderal Peter Cosgrove dari Australia.


Indonesia departs

Violence increased after the ballot. The majority of those killed in 1999 were killed after the ballot. Over half the population fled their homes. Some 250,000 went to West Timor . 70% of infrastructure, houses and buildings were destroyed.

On 12 September, President Habibie agreed to allow an international force in Timor-Leste. Called Interfet, this force was led by Australian Major-General Peter Cosgrove.


Copyright © Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (CAVR)