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Husi Reformasaun to'o Anúnsio Konsulta Popular

Krizi finansial Asiatiku dait ba Indonesia iha tinan 1997 bainhira atu hotu halo mosu protestu iha fatin hot-hotu no husu kona ba 'reformasi'. Presidenti Soeharto resigna a'an iha 21 Maiu 1998. Timor-Leste goza liberdadi n'ebe barak tan ona.

Konselhu Nasional de Rezistensia Timorense, CNRT, hahu forma iha konferensia ida iha Peniche, Portugal.

Iha Janeiru 1999, Presidenti Habibie fo'o sai katak Indonesia sei husik povo Timor-Oan sira hili rasik se karik hakarak ka la-kohi autonomia espesial. Iha 5 de Maiu, konkorda tiha iha UN katak TNI, lidera husi General Wiranto, mak sei iha responsabilidadi kona ba seguransa duranti Konsulta Popular.

TNI no grupu milisia sira bo'ok apoiantes pro-independensia nian no halo masakre ba sivil sira iha Díli, Suai no Liquiçá. Ema to'o 40,000, liliu iha distritu sira Oeste ne'e, maka deslokadus husi sira nia uma.


"Reformasi" e Anúncio da Consulta Popular

A crise financeira asiática eclodiu em força na Indonésia em 1997, coroando os protestos e apelos generalizados sobre a "reformasi".

O Presidente Soeharto resignou no dia 21 de Maio de 1998.

Passou a haver mais liberdade em Timor-Leste.

O Conselho Nacional de Resistência Timorense, CNRT, constituiu-se na Convenção de Peniche, Portugal.

Em Janeiro de 1999, o Presidente Habibie anunciou que a Indonésia permitiria que o povo timorense se decidisse a favor ou contra a autonomia especial.

No dia 5 de Maio, chegou-se a acordo na UN que as TNI, chefiadas pelo general Wiranto, teriam a responsabilidade da segurança durante a Consulta Popular.

As TNI e os grupos de milícias perseguiram os apoiantes pro-independência e efectuaram os massacres de civis em Díli, Suai e Liquiçá.

Cerca de 40 mil pessoas, especialmente da zona Ocidental, abandonaram as suas casas.


Reformasi dan Pengumuman Referendum

Krisis Moneter Asia menimpa Indonesia di akhir tahun 1997 dan menimbulkan aksi protes yang menyeluruh dan tuntutan 'reformasi'. Presiden Soeharto mundur pada 21 Mei 1998. Timor Leste menikmati kebebasan yang lebih longgar.

Dewan Nasional Resistencia Rakyat Timor, CNRT, dibentuk dalam sebuah konferensi di Peniche, Portugal.

Di bulan Januari 1999, Presiden Habibie mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia akan memberi kesempatan bagi warga Timor untuk menentukan apakah mereka mendukung atau menolak tawaran otonomi khusus. Pada tanggal 5 Mei, PBB menyetujui bahwa TNI bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga keamanan pada saat Jajak Pendapat.

TNI dan kelompok-kelompok milisi menggangu para pendukung pro-kemerdekaan dan membantai sejumlah warga sipil di Suai dan Liquica. Setidaknya 40.000 warga, terutama di distrik-distrik di bagian barat, kabur dari rumah mereka.


Reformasi and Announcement of a Popular Consultation

The Asian financial crisis hit Indonesia in late 1997 leading to widespread protests and calls for 'reformasi'. President Soeharto resigned on 21 May 1998 . Timor-Leste enjoyed more freedom.

The National Council of Timorese Resistance, CNRT, was formed at a conference in Peniche , Portugal .

In January 1999, President Habibie announced Indonesia would allow the Timorese people to decide for or against special autonomy. On 5 May, it was agreed at the UN that the TNI, led by General Wiranto, would have responsibility for security during a Popular Consultation.

TNI and militia groups harassed pro-independence supporters and massacred civilians in Suai and Liquica. Up to 40,000 people, mainly in the western districts, were displaced from their homes.


Copyright © Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (CAVR)